
Saturday, November 21, 2020

FTA and HART Agree To A BIG LIE To Push Rail Construction Forward

FTA and HART Agree To A BIG LIE To Push Rail Construction Forward

By Ewa Historian John Bond

The HART Rail Process of Lies, Omissions and Erroneous TCP Boundaries 

Toru Hamayasu of HART is constantly pushing for a “no effect” 
determination on March 20, 27 and 30 from SHPD. Clearly the 
interest here is in rushing rail construction forward, likely from a high
 political level (Inouye). There is no interest in having this
 important review done well- just rushed through to a “no effect” determination.

Letter  April 2 2012 from SHPD   William Aila

William Aila states that SHPD is unclear why Po’ohilo is considered a TCP because it is a battlesite and does not meet the definition of a TCP. There is no analysis of native Hawaiian relationship to Po’ohilo other than as passing significance to the Battle of Kipapa Gulch. But HART calls it a TCP that they are “avoiding…”

(See, our HART rail is avoiding all the Important stuff that we have identified!)

So there is then a declaration of “no effect” on the Po’ohilo “TCP”. In fact this is NOT TRUE as I have personally been to the area shown as Po’ohilo in the HART map and you can plainly see HART rail pylons near the properties of the homes in what is actually Honouliuli Village. They will have to suffer trains running by every few minutes from 4 AM to 12 Midnight right near their homes. This was previously an completely quiet and peaceful rural community. How can there possibly be “no effect” when you can see it and will hear it?

This letter also mentions Mike Lee’s concerns about the rail pillars penetrating the karst and affecting the limu. It says the East Kapolei station may “approach or penetrate into the coralline deposits.” This means in fact that the rail IS impacting the karst. It is also erroneous to believe the UH West Oahu station also does NOT penetrate the karst since the borings go down 150-200 feet. The Ewa Plantation sugar cane fields were created by moving alluvial soils down to cover over the karst. They only needed depths of 3-5 feet which was more than enough dirt. Even assuming 20-50 feet overlays of alluvial soils the rail borings are obviously penetrating the karst below it.

Letter  April 12, 2012   Daniel Grabauskas   HART and copies Ted Matley, FTA

Letter   April 20, 2012   William Aila   SHPD

Aila accepts HART’s assurance that “underground water systems, if any, will not be impacted by the rail project.”
Aila also accepts HART’s assurance that the Leina a ka ‘uhane is 1-3 miles from the project area and “does not impact the Leina district.” Aila has nothing to base this on other than what HART tells him.
“Based upon the information provided for our review, we concur that no traditional cultural properties identified in the Honouliuli ahupua’a will be affected by the project.”- Aila
“Based upon the information provided for our review, we concur that no traditional cultural properties identified in the Honouliuli ahupua’a will be affected by the project.” (How convenient to just parrot what HART wants to report to FTA ?)
So this is how honest due diligence works- only what is provided? How can anyone trust this as a legitimate process when HART is clearly under great pressure and orders to begin construction as soon as possible?

Clearly a great deal of falsification is going on here, especially 
because they have seen and heard previous community comments 
and large amounts of submitted public documentation that is simply
 being completely ignored.

John Bond    Kanehili Cultural Hui