
Monday, October 5, 2020

West Oahu Missile Town - Navy Virginia Class Attack Submarine Being Loaded At West Loch Pier W 4-5

 Compiled History by Ewa Historian John Bond

Google Earth Image of Navy Virginia Class Attack Submarine 

Being Loaded At West Loch Pier W 4-5

These are NOT nuclear weapons, they are conventional munitions

BELOW: Virginia class attack sub at “Whiskey” wharf W 4-5 for attack subs loading 12 Tomahawks and large assortment of Harpoon missiles (in green). Tomahawk can carry conventional or nuke but currently no nuke version being deployed, however Trump has left treaty which would allow Navy to rearm with nuke Tomahawk cruise missiles. Reportedly with hasn’t happened yet.

BONUS IMAGE  from Google Earth – Whisky Wharf W4-5 Virginia class attack sub loading with its full complement of 12 Tomahawks, Harpoons and Mk-48 torpedo's.

Usual Virginia class weapons armaments: 
12 × VLS (Tomahawk BGM-109) tubes
4 × 533 mm torpedo tubes (Mk-48 torpedo), RGM-84 Harpoon
25 × torpedoes & missiles (torpedo room) + 12 x missiles (VLS tubes)
Block V:
VPM module (28 Tomahawk BGM-109)
12 × VLS (Tomahawk BGM-109) tubes
4 × 533 mm torpedo tubes (Mk-48 torpedo), RGM-84 Harpoon
65 × torpedoes & missiles