
Saturday, June 20, 2015

Photos Of The Fraudulent FTA Ewa West Oahu Farmland Conversion Scheme To Build Rail TOD's

Photos Of The Fraudulent Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Ewa West Oahu Farmland Conversion Scheme To Build Rail And Transit oriented Developments (TOD)

John Bond   Kanehili Cultural Hui

In order to expedite rail construction and land development the City of Honolulu rail transit administration used rushed, poorly done archeological documentation and even faked the location of a major Traditional Cultural Property (the Leina a ka 'uhane) to make it appear outside of the Area of Potential Effect (APE). See more further below...

The City's HART Rail is really all about land development, jacking up land prices and selling it off to foreign investors- a repeat of the Japanese investor real estate boom of the 1980's on Oahu.
After the market crashed, local residents lost affordable homes and farm lands.

The City's big land development scam is called Transit Oriented Development - TOD

And then there is the fraudulent Farmland Impact Conversion Rating Form AD 1006.

Section 4 (f) requirement: Federal Transportation Projects - Farmland Protection Act:

Minimize impacts on farmland and maximize compatibility with state and local farmland programs and policies. All projects that take right-of-way in farmland, as defined by the regulation.

Farmland Protection Policy Act of 1981:  7 U.S.C. 4201-4209

The US Natural Resource Conservation Service Farmland Impact Conversion Rating Form
(NRCS-CPA-106): Determination of whether or not to proceed with farmland conversion, based on severity of impacts and other environmental considerations.

The City's HART Rail contractor, Parsons Brinkerhoff, graded the Honouliuli Ewa Plain (Hoopili) rail right of way lands, in the US Natural Resource Conservation Service Farmland Impact Conversion Rating Form (NRCS-CPA-106), as being SUB PAR and LOW AG VALUE in order to expedite rail construction and Transit Oriented Development on the the prime Ewa farmland.

This allowed rushed rail construction and enabled the massive Hoopili land development project with three huge TOD's with massive highway traffic glutting 12,000 homes, desalinated water and only one main highway in and out- H-1. No farmers, no food security and a guaranteed future environmental disaster...

Subsequently five agricultural experts rated the same farmlands using NRCS-CPA-106 as nearly twice as high and meeting the Important Ag Land standard. But the FTA and City refused to see or hear it! Greed and payoff are what drive the Honolulu City government and political system.

Honolulu City Councilmembers were well paid off by developers to pass in 2015 City Bill 3 to allow a land zone change to destroy 1500 acres or prime farm land and turn West Oahu into an environmental Hell.

Hawaii agriculture data, maps all shows Ho’opili (a fake developer name for Honouliuli) as IAL(Important Agricultural Land). The entire farmland area will be paved over in asphalt and concrete.

The State of Hawaii for many decades in the Oahu General Plan identified Ewa Plantation and Ho’opili as Important Agricultural Land. The State of Hawaii ALISH map (Agricultural Lands of Importance to the State of Hawaii) shows the Ho’opili area as PRIME AG. The State of Hawaii Land Study Bureau (LSB) map shows Ho’opili as top rated A & B soils.

The Ewa Honouliuli farmlands meet ALL of the IAL mapping criteria

The original Ewa Plantation fields still exist and used by farmers today

State and Federal tax dollars used to destroy highly productive prime agricultural lands

State and Federal tax dollars used to destroy highly productive prime agricultural lands

State and Federal tax dollars used to destroy highly productive prime agricultural lands

State and Federal tax dollars used to destroy highly productive prime agricultural lands

HART Rail Farmland Dump Site

State and Federal tax dollars used to destroy highly productive prime agricultural lands

HART Rail Farmland Dump Site

HART Rail Believes Concrete Designs Mitigates Wiping Out Farmland And Culture

State and Federal tax dollars used to destroy highly productive prime agricultural lands

Hoopili polluted surface runoff water will be dumped in Pearl Harbor?

This is what 1500 acres of Honouliuli prime farmland will become

HART Rail Farmland Dump Site by Hoopili Station Site

HART Rail Farmland Dump Site by Hoopili Station Site

HART Rail Farmland Dump Site by Hoopili Station Site

West Oahu Residents Speak Out At Important Ag Lands And Hoopili Station Meetings

Residents are angry and upset that developers get everything they want while local politicians and City Government don't listen to the community. The political system has become very corrupted.

HART Rail Pretends Concrete Cultural Cartoons Are Mitigation For Wiping Out Real Cultural History and Important Traditional Cultural Places and Properties.

The Leina a ka 'uhane actually became an important discussion issue between FTA, DLNR  (acting for SHPD) and HART

The Federal Transit Administration decided the rail route and stations would not interfere with the very important sacred flight vector for departing native spirits called the Leina a ka 'uhane. The pathway very conveniently begins just south of the East Kapolei station track end point. 

FTA and HART Decide Sacred Hawaiian Spirit World Starts At End Of East Kapolei Rail Station

This correspondence to FTA is specifically about the Farmland Conversion Impact Rating that was applied to the Honouliuli Ewa Plain farmland which is now planned to have three transit stations and Transit Oriented Developments as part of the FTA funded Honolulu Authority Rapid Transit (HART) system.

The issue is that the Farmland Conversion Impact Rating done by the contracted project engineering company was erroneous, very possibly intentionally so, which resulted in no subsequent important prime farmland mitigation.

Ewa Farmland Conversion Impact Rating

The Project does not provide promised affordable rail transit services or go to the communities of Ewa or Kapolei where the populations are but instead creates, encourages and sponsors an entirely new major population center to be called “East Kapolei” and “Hoopili” (both fake names) which promotes major international real estate speculation and development.

FTA HART Transit Project Has Become Big Land Development And Corruption

Plantation roads, old railway beds, water flumes, concrete bridges from the 1920's, still working water plantation pipes and pump station, electrical lines, designated by the State Office of Planning as PRIME and Class A & B soils.

Very bad planning with no regard for the sustainability needs of the West Oahu community and definitely NOT SMART GROWTH. 

Ewa Plantation Prime Ag Land Still Retains Centuries Old Traditional Agricultural Features

West Oahu Residents Speak Out At Important Ag Lands And Hoopili Station Meetings

FTA and HART Rail Misrepresent The True Ewa Honouliuli Native Hawaiian Spirit Pathway

Honouliuli Ewa TCP's Are Important Wahi Pana (Sacred Places) On Multi-Dimensional Levels

Honouliuli Ewa's Makakilo Kalo'i Gulch - A Rare In Depth Survey Of This Important Cultural Property