
Sunday, June 21, 2015

FTA and HART Rail Misrepresent The True Ewa Honouliuli Native Hawaiian Spirit Pathway

Letter to Federal Transit Administration, Region IX, San Francisco

RE: Honolulu High Capacity Transit Corridor Project Programmatic Agreement, Honolulu Hawaii – Leina a ka ‘uhane
Dear Mr. Matley, Mr. Rogers, FTA, Region IX:
Identification of Historic and Cultural Properties
The subject properties:
  1. The correct location of the Leina a ka ‘uhane within Honouliuli ahupua’a.
Relevance to the Honolulu High-Capacity Corridor Project
The HART Rail study document states that the Leina a ka ‘uhane has “integrity of relationship” and “these Wahi Pana are sacred and storied places on the land” and are “important to the retention and or transmittal of knowledge and beliefs about the land and history of the Hawaiian people on Oahu.”
Many documents and exchanged letters, including April 20, 2012 from FTA to HART exclaiming that the Leina a ka ‘uhane was NOT “within or near” the project- when it FACT a false representation of the Leina pathway was created to arrive at the “no effect” determination.
It was stated in the HART and correspondence reports that the Leina a ka ‘uhane was a “very sacred wahi pana” and National Register eligible under categories A and B.
The most disturbing and KEY POINT of all of this for Kanehili Cultural Hui is that tax-payer funded research for a Federal transportation projected was FALSELY MISREPRESENTED in its spatial area in order to proceed with rail construction.
Please see the attached maps of the Leina a ka Uhane and APE maps and links to resource documents:
Leina a ka ‘uhane spirit pathway and APE maps
Kane Hili has invited you to view the following shared folder:

Why is this important? HART and FTA have agreed the Leina is National Register eligible and had it very extensively well documented by Kumu Pono LLC.  When native souls depart for their spiritual homeland it is westward towards the setting sun. However the primary HART rail contractor had this map created that misrepresented the Leina pathway (in green) in order to show it OUTSIDE of the HART WOFH Area of Potential Effect (APE) map. 

The green pathway only represents approximately two months of where the sun sets in the winter. People die all year round, and so the directions marked in red show the actual Leina pathway width and direction from January to July.

Clearly the Parsons Brinkerhoff TCP consultants manipulated the Leina pathway to only a couple of months so that it falls just below the end of the rail line near East Kapolei station. This a very sacred wahi pana and National Register eligible Leina under NR categories A and B.

Above is Table 7 from the report He Mo‘olelo ‘Δ€ina–Traditions and Storied Places in the District of ‘Ewa and Moanalua (in the District of Kona), Island of O‘ahu: A Traditional Cultural Properties Study – Technical Report.

Above is the HART identified site 38 Leiolono where the native spirit leaps from. The direction is always westward and is determined by the setting sun at the specific time of the year the individual dies. The sunset position in January or July causes the Leina pathway to widen as it heads towards the horizon.
In reviewing the previous letters regarding the four TCP issues submitted by Kanehili Cultural Hui to the Kakoo and FTA we would like to make it clear what the true boundaries of the Leina a ka uhane are based upon a 12 month solar cycle.
Our entire point is that HART's cultural research contractors deliberately misrepresented the Leina pathway with graphic maps and written conclusions that are inconsistent with the fact that the sun sets in different places throughout the year.
The fraud is very apparent because only two months of the year are shown in the final Leina HART maps so as to reach the conclusion that that the Project is outside of the Leina pathway. This is the KEY ASPECT of the fraudulent misrepresentation of the facts to reach a conclusion that government officials would sign off on to begin rail construction.
This and several other fraudulent misrepresented data such as the Natural Resources Conservation Service “Farmland Conversion Impact Rating” (NRCS-CPA-106), the Farmland Protection Policy Act (FPPA) all show a pattern of deliberate fraudulent misrepresentation by HART, the FTA and its contractors.

John Bond, President
Kanehili Cultural Hui

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